September 2024
    M T W T F S S

    By obscure I mean a book you don’t hear people talking about much. Extra bonus points if it has less than 100 reviews.

    Mine is Jo Who Died.

    It’s about a family where all the kids have the same name and we get the mum’s life story told by one of her daughters who just died.

    I read it in one sitting. It is fairly short but it’s also very easy reading while somehow still tackling some big/importants subjects like addiction and grief. It’s also somehow really funny despite the serious subject matters. The writing style reminded me a bit of Eleaphor Oliphant is Completely Fine and The Funny Thing About Norman Foreman.

    The only downside, to me, was that there was a bit near the end that dragged more than the rest. It wasn’t bad but the rest was so good that it just stood out as slower. Maybe it was because I was equally invested in the dead daughter’s storyline as the mother’s. They both got payoff, but the mother’s payoff was given way more focus. The very last chapter was beautiful and bittersweet though. I cried a lot.

    I literally only got this book because a friend ARC read it, so it got me thinking that there’s probably loads of amazing books I’ve just never heard of. So what are yours?

    by Neverreadthemall

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