September 2024
    M T W T F S S

    i really like the fountainhead, however its mostly on the side of individualism and that's not bad at all, but i'd like to see something from the other perspective. doesn't have to be full anarchy or communism or on a side at all.

    by AdWeird2780


    1. Christ recrucified, by Nikos Kazantzakis. Among other themes, it explores the concept of “us” and “others” in a way that it’s still extremely relevant. It’s an extraordinary book.

    2. If you’re willing to consider a script as reading material, Into the Woods (the Broadway play, NOT the movie version as it cuts out the main point of the play) is basically a story that emphasizes the benefits of working together verses seeking your own happiness individually.

      The musical was recorded back in the late 80s/early 90s with the original Broadway cast. The book exists and wouldn’t take more than a few hours of reading.

    3. Undercover-Drache on

      I can also strongly recommend A Paradise Built in Hell by Rebecca Solnit. It’s nonfiction, but it might be exactly the book you’re looking for, and it’s written in a dramatic and entertaining fashion.

    4. “Collectivism” isn’t a thing. It’s a bugaboo concocted by the extreme right.

      Try The Ragged Trousered Philanthropists for something as far removed from Rand as you can get. But nobody in it describes themselves as “collectivist” and nor do they describe the boss class as “individualist”.

    5. Massively recommend The Dispossessed by Ursula K Leguin.
      It tells the story of an encounter between two very different societies: one capitalist and individualist, the other anarcho-communist. It would be a very good antidote to Rand

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