July 2024
    M T W T F S S

    I have been reading fiction for awhile now, but am about to give up on it, and just go to reading strictly nonfiction. I’m having a hard time finding fiction, that I actually like.

    I prefer fiction that is a pleasant read. I’m not really into a lot of personnel conflict, aka a boss bullying an underling.

    I like scifi/fantasy, but other genres are nice too.

    I prefer male protagonists . There can be violence, sex, transgenderism, M/M romance, moral questions, and war.

    Here are some books, that I like:

    Dark Recollections by Chris Philbrook

    On Basilisk Station by David Weber

    A Lady for a Duke by Alexis Hall

    Courting Greta by Ramsey Hootman

    Radley’s Home for Horny Monsters by Annabelle Hawthorne

    The Final Empire by Brandon Sanderson

    StarCutter by Dan Raxor

    Castle Town by Anya Merchant

    Star Kingdom Series by Lindsay Buroker

    by not_irish_patrick


    1. LiterarilyFine on

      It’s not quite the same vibe as your list of books but The House in the Ceruluean Sea by TJ Klune is v feel good, is fantasy, a m/m romance, male protagonist etc.

    2. Honestly_weird94 on

      Anything by Terry Pratchett, but definitely the diskworld collection. It contains multiple series following different groups, the witches, the guards, the wizards etc. They are all interconnected, but can be read separately and even as stand-alones.

      Depending on the book you have female and male protagonists, the writing is witty and light-hearted, plays with common tropes while putting interesting and unexpected twists on them. The author is a master at touching on political and social issues without being preachy, “holier than thou” or even being in your face about it.

      My personal favourite is “Small Gods”, but they are all great reads. They are also available as very well done audiobooks, which is my preferred medium 🙂

    3. I’d put everything I’ve read by Becky Chambers into that category. Her books are incredibly optimistic, particularly the Monk and Robot series. But I personally prefer the Wayfarers series.

      Her books don’t really rely on much tension/plotting. They’re more like, you get to explore the world/universe with extremely likable characters.

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