September 2024
    M T W T F S S

    I am perpetually planning what I want to read next, next month, next year. What are books that are best read during a specific season or holiday or time that they take place in the story?

    by hatcreekpigrental


    1. Caleb_Trask19 on

      I really enjoyed my reading of Ali Smith’s seasonal quartet, which I read in real time stating with Autumn, so it’s just about time to start it yourself.

    2. RightLocal1356 on

      Two Indigenous Futurisms books by Waubgeshig Rice come to mind because their titles are english translations of Ojibway moons.

      {{ Moon of the Crusted Snow }} is equivalent to March

      {{ Moon of the Turning Leaves by Waubgeshig Rice }} is equivalent September

      *There are 13 Ojibway moons as opposed to 12 months, which is why I say equivalent not equal.*

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