September 2024
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    The books have been around since 1995 but I haven't heard of them until recently. My local library only has a few of the newer books and my local Barnes and Noble only has the first two books. The first book in the series didn't get a movie until 2020 and they cut out Pendergast and added in a second monster, so it seems like they didn't put much care into into the movie.

    I just finished reading Relic and I really enjoyed it. This is actually the first book I've read in a while and I'm really excited the read the rest of the series, but the books seem pretty hard to track down. There are over 20 books, so the series definitely has a strong fan base. So why are the books so hard to find and why does it seem like the series in pretty unknown? You'd think libraries and book stores would have a dedicated Pendergast section like they do with Harry Potter, Lord of The Rings, Game of Thrones, and Stephen King. When I went to Barnes and Noble to get Relic I couldn't find it and the worker I asked didn't seem to know what it was.

    by Decent-Strength3530

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