September 2024
    M T W T F S S

    I’m looking for a book to read with my girlfriend (I read, she listens). It needs to be short because we don’t have a lot of time together, and it should have plenty of dialogue to make it easier for her to follow.

    To give you an idea of what we’re looking for: we are currently reading Foundation and Empire by Asimov, which has the perfect balance between dialogue and prose. We also both like The Witcher series by Sapkowski, although some of the more lengthy political sections tend to bore her. We both enjoy The X-Files, Avatar: The Last Airbender (her favorite series), The Last of Us (her favorite game), and Metal Gear Solid (my favorite game). I also really like Philip Roth (not sure if she would, but I think she'd enjoy his books).

    by notAvlas


    1. EleventhofAugust on

      One option is All Systems Red by Martha Wells. No doubt someone was going to recommend this so I figure might as well be the first. Engaging given that it’s only about 150 pages.

      After Atlas by Emma Newman was such an tight story with a mystery at the center. It’s 369 pages so maybe that’s too long? It also is the second in the series but really doesn’t require the book to be read in advance.

    2. The most entertaining book I’ve read recently is John Scalzi’s dialogue-heavy **Starter Villain**. It’s a spoof of the early James Bond movies. A substitute teacher inherits his estranged uncle’s villainy which comes complete with a secret volcanic lair.

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