September 2024
    M T W T F S S

    Hi, all. First time poster here, so sorry if a thread like this exists already.

    This year, I decided to finally take the steps to improve my mental health and my therapist and I have come to the conclusion that a lot of my issues are rooted in my cultural identity and how I navigate the line between being the son of an immigrant family and assimilating to American culture. My therapist suggested looking into books by / about 2nd gen immigrants and how they dealt with the same struggles.

    I am not an avid reader and don't even know where to start, but I know Reddit is a place for everything and I'm hoping this post finds the right audience to help me out. I imagine 2nd gen immigrants deal with a lot of the same issues (with some varying nuances), so I'm open to just about any book that falls in the genre, but if it helps narrow things down, I'm Armenian-American and my parents immigrated from Lebanon during the civil war in the 70s.

    So, as mentioned in the title, anyone know any books about 2nd gen immigrants and acculturation?

    by hanb0wl0

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