September 2024
    M T W T F S S

    This is a series of (fictional) vignettes from the lives of several people living during the beginning of the 20th century. 1900 – 1920ish

    I found it just good enough to not stop reading it, but not good enough to recommend to anyone.

    I didn't enjoy the writing style. It's choppy, dropping you into the lives of this person and then that, with no sense of how much time has passed. I frequently wondered "who is this person? have I been introduced to this person already?" I ended up knowing very little about all of the characters, fully half of which were completely forgettable. There's little-to-no buildup, arc, or resolution. The moral of the story appears to be "everyone ends up miserable," which I suppose is true.

    It is good only as a slice-of-life from the time period.

    by ApocalypseSpokesman

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