September 2024
    M T W T F S S

    I decided to read something about vampires, but not a horror or twilight. And so this book came into my hands.

    In the world of the book, the sky was covered with a dark "dome", which is why vampires could now walk during the day, even if they were not as strong as at night. They are hunted by monster hunters, who are dhampirs, who must quench their thirst with sanctus from vampire blood, also it strengthens them.

    The world of the book is not the most original and is very similar to the world of the Witcher. Hunters who are inhumans, a substance that strengthens them (only in the Witcher they drank it, but here they smoke it out and also quench their thirst for blood.), especially since there are monsters besides vampires, but they are only talked about. In general, this may not be the most original world, but it is explained well and in some way funny.

    The plot tells about Gabriel, the last of the hunters, who is imprisoned by vampires and is to be executed, but before that, the vampire queen wants him to tell his life story and sends a scribe to him.

    The book is divided into six parts and tells two stories: How Gabriel learned to be a monster hunter and about the search for the holy Grail and they alternate, that is, the first part is Gabriel's teaching, the second is about the Grail, and the third part continues the first story (I hope I explained it properly). Someone might not like this, but I had no problems with it.

    In short, both of these stories turned out well. They're both fascinating, intense, and funny in some places. I liked the first one by showing the personality of the main character and how he and his "brothers" hunted vampires, thereby revealing his character. This story is also full of riddles that the main character is trying to solve. They are made in an interesting way. I liked the second story because the relationship between Gabriel and Dior. They are clearly written off from the main characters of "The Last of Us". Also, the scenes in prison with the scribe were funny.

    Now about the characters. I liked their designs, they look great and convey the personality of the character. I liked them too. Not to say that they were revealed, but they were interesting, and some were pleasant, and some of the main characters are developed (Dior, for example).

    Now let's analyze the main character

    Gabriel is a rude man, a seasoned hunter, who in the second story is depressed, which is why he drinks a lot, but he has a kind heart, which at the time of the second story he closes with common sense. You can see how he has changed, because Gabriel from the first story and the second are different people. And he looks like Trevor Belmont, but with long hair.

    I liked the author's writing style in this book. Recently, I began to divide the writing style of the authors into: how he writes and what he writes about. In the first case, Kristoff writes easily, with a large volume, I read the book quickly. In the second case, the author writes most of the book on behalf of Gabriel, and he is not the most eloquent character. The description turned out to be funny because of this (I can compare them with the English voice acting of the anime "Ghost Stories", and it's funny, and it's clear what the author meant), although there are normal ones. There are also a lot of obscene words here. In Russian translation (because English is not my native language), are more obscene words there and as I understood in the original Gabriel uses the word fuck a lot, in the Russian translation it is suka (bitch in Russian) and this adds weight to his words.

    I liked the book. It seems to me that the author understood what he was writing and did not try to make something more out of this book. For he would not compare a cold lake to a witch's breasts.

    by mystery5009


    1. I enjoyed the sequel, “Empire of the Damned.” I hope you read and enjoy it, too.

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