I guess alternate titles/ questions are:
"Books that shaped your 20s"
"Books that gave you an interesting outlook on life"
Idk, I'm just kind of feeling lost right now and want some kind of direction. I'm 22 and don't really know what I'm doing. I'm in community college but I'm just taking general ed shit and random classes I find interesting or I feel are probably helpful. I have multiple friend groups but only feel a strong bond between maybe 3 people I rarely see. Ive never had a real job but have been applying to lots of places around me and have only gotten rejection letters. My non real jobs (and current sources of income) are 1. Busking and 2. Whatever paid gigs I get. I've previously (most of my life) wanted to play drums professionally but now am not sure as most of the people I play with are only tolerable in small doses. Also I hate practicing, it's tedious and sometimes almost psychically painful. I've never really been good at anything other than drums. I'm on my phone way too much and need to hide it to get anything done. My only daily habit I've ever cultivated is reading.
by not_sufficient