September 2024
    M T W T F S S

    absolutely LOVED the book. I hate reading up until i found out they made books about drug use. something i can relate to. and not just weed but serious use. it’s so cool to find a book you relate to. so that’s why i’m asking, are there any more?

    if you do drop a title, i ask you please give a little background on what it’s about. bc i googled this exact question and some books poped up that weren’t nearly what i was expecting, way less dark and less drug use then was excepting. so i turn to reddit.

    also, just to put it out there i don’t really like history related books. like stuff from the 18-17 hundreds.

    by Gliched_out420


    1. If you mean more completely faked books that got to be best sellers – *I Never Promised You a Rose Garden*, *The Teachings of Don Juan*, and *A Million Little Pieces*.

    2. InterscholasticAsl on

      Infinite Jest by David Foster Wallace – kind of a hard book to explain in a post lol but definitely dark with lots of addiction stuff. Fictional book

    3. Well there’s the crank series by Ellen Hopkins. About 14 yo old Christina who visits her deadbeat dad in Reno and comes back addict to crank (thick book 3 in the series you’ll love it. )

      Heroine by Mindy McGinnis. 17 yo softball superstar catalan becomes addicted to oxy after a terrible car accident that leaves her with a broken leg and shattered hip.

      That’s all I can remember

    4. Valley of the Dolls. Wonderful trashy fiction, not created to be propaganda like Go Ask Alice was (which I never knew until I was an adult!).

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