September 2024
    M T W T F S S


    1. That’s a super broad ask, but maybe these fit the bill.

      *A Short History of Nearly Everything* is interesting, if maybe a bit misguided in certain areas. But it fills in a lot of blanks.

      I’m a huge fan of *The User Illusion: Cutting Consciousness Down to Size*. The world is what it is because our brains make it that way. Kind of. You’ll see.

    2. Unvrguesswho on

      to be honest, the book, the ancestrian theory, corrects so many lies about what we are told about life, from religions, and our schools, that it will totally amaze and change your world.

      Wait until you see how your religions have lied to you about what you really are, and wait until you are shown that science can prove all of it.

      There is a chapter on dreams, and what they actually are, which is amazing ,, in how it covers and proves our individual awareness and sentience- is far more than what we were taught that it was

      and the fact we are not alone in our dreams at all it’s gonna totally blow your mind!!!!

      in our dreams those other participants we are talking to– are other active sentience,– that are not Us.!!!!

      The author proves that beyond any reasonable doubt at all. —- OMG Totally fascinating reading.

      once you are shown that, it even goes into the viability that ghosts themselves, are also a form of individual sentience, — very scientifically proven once again!!!! it was just absolutely awesome how this was presented.

      You will never close your eyes, the same way ever again,

      you’re not gonna be scared, —–you’re gonna be super interested in what happens when you do !!!!

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