September 2024
    M T W T F S S

    Hello! I quite enjoy this particular sort of book, and am somewhat struggling to find more like it. Here is a selection of ones I have read, to explain further what kind of book I am describing.

    • House of Leaves
    • The Metamorphosis
    • I Have No Mouth and I Must Scream
    • The Raw Shark Texts
    • The Third Policeman
    • The Stranger
    • Maxwell's Demon
    • Foucault's Pendulum
    • Catch-22
    • The Crying of Lot 49
    • Pale Fire
    • The Waste Land
    • Gravity's Rainbow
    • V.
    • Eidophusikon

    by Papa-Bear453767

    1 Comment

    1. boxer_dogs_dance on

      If you like catch 22 you might like Slaughterhouse five or Good soldier svejk

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