September 2024
    M T W T F S S

    Looking for fantasy/fiction books with heavy plot, clever world building, and characters to get attached to.

    For reference, books I've enjoyed are:

    -Cirque Du Freak (love the characters, very interesting plot, I like the supernatural theme)

    -Mistborn (gen 1 more than gen 2; very logical and in-depth magic system and world building. LOVED the relationship between Tensoon and Vin, and the growth of trust process)

    -Harry Potter (got heavily attached to some characters, the HP universe has a distinct vibe that I get sucked into)

    -Red Rising (this one's kinda 50/50 for me, I'm not into space themes but I did enjoy the story and the rise to power element)

    -The Hunger Games (Amazing, no complaints, very interesting story and immersive universe. Truly love everything about it)

    -Divergent (60/40 like to dislike. The idea is very cool, and I think the author could have done some super interesting things with the universe she created, but the execution was kind of iffy for me)

    -Shadow and Bone (50/50 again. The magic system is cool, but the chosen one trope is kind of tired and I disagreed with nearly every decision the MC made)


    Plot heavy, little to no romance – If there is romance, I'm not a fan of the Player + MC or Childhood Best Friend + MC tropes. I prefer stories where romance takes a back seat if it's present, like in Cirque Du Freak, HP, and debatably Mistborn and The Hunger Games. Books that don't read like a romance.

    Less gore, or only necessary gore/violence – THG and CDF had violence, but it felt necessary and not overly descriptive. RR was kind of a hard read for me, I thought the frequency of violence and the gore of it was uncomfortable for me and kinda unnecessary.

    Thanks in advance!

    by Defiant_Eggplant1218

    1 Comment

    1. lesbianminecrafter on

      I probably recommend this book way too often, but i think You will LOVE The Goblin Emperor. Lots of dense fantasy world building and plenty of time to get to know a bunch of really interesting/endearing characters and their interactions with each other.

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