September 2024
    M T W T F S S

    for some reason I cannot get myself to finish books, i have read half of many books but i keep stopping at half. Whenever i try to make myself continue these books i either get distracted or just cant focus anymore. does anyone have any advice for either places to read where i cant distract myself, or ways to get over my inability to finish books? also how do yall find so much time to read

    by benganguly


    1. vintage_diamond on

      I used to be like this until I got into audiobooks. That’s how I read the majority of my books now.

    2. I have to leave my phone somewhere else when I’m reading. I also like to read before bed after I’m tired of staring at the computer and my phone all day so I don’t even want to pick it up.

      Try meditation before reading and also just any time during the day. You need to learn how to focus your mind a push out distractions.

      Also, maybe talk to a doctor about ADHD if this is a similar situation you experience in other areas of your life.

      How do I find so much time to read? I don’t. I dedicate about half an hour a day to it and that can be a struggle sometimes. I don’t have a lot of spare time, but it’s something that’s important to me so I often prioritize reading when I do.

      Just tonight I decided not to play vidya games before folding clothes and fixing dinner, specifically so that I have time to read before bed.

    3. Fit-Scar-9403 on

      I understand. I get this way sometimes. A book seems so promising, but then feels burdened by an overly detailed and slow dragging middle, and then it’s hard to get to the end. Attention spans can be made longer (or shorter) with practice. To expand them, try setting a timer (maybe start with as little as 5 or 10 minutes), and focus om nothing but reading. Refrain from picking uo your phone just to check social media, those short videos are training you to expect and receive resolution in 30 seconds or less. Start with reading a shorter book, with many short chapters (like a YA novel) so that you feel a sense of accomplishment as you move along and see yourself making progress. Make a list of the books you’ve completed, so that you can celebrate that you did it when you’re done. Hope these ideas help. Big hugs to you!

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