September 2024
    M T W T F S S

    Suggest me a book that is just a story, not a murder mystery or historical romance or horror – just a story about some people or a person who did some stuff.
    The ending can be happy or sad. I just want to read a good story. Thank you for your help.

    by guPPygurl88


    1. Multi_person on

      Museum of modern love by Heather Rose. Reading at the moment Not a typical romance, gives me mixed emotions, but I like it so far.

    2. Wide Sargasso Sea. It doesn’t fall under any of the categories you mentioned, and I really enjoyed reading it.

    3. NewtonLeibnizDilemma on

      The Spinoza problem is a great book. One of my personal favourites and I don’t think it falls in any of the categories you mentioned. It goes back and forth from the story of the philosopher Spinoza to the idealist of the Nazis and delves a bit into psychological territory(because the man who wrote it is a psychologist).

      It’s an interesting read and very unique. I highly recommend it

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