September 2024
    M T W T F S S

    I'd been searching for a book I read as a child for years, and a post to Library Thing asking for help finally gave me a title and author. (Thanks, folks!) But it seems the book series it came from has been out-of-print for decades, the author is so little-known that she didn't even have a Wikipedia entry, and even old library copies are extremely expensive on used-book sites or Amazon… and there are no ebooks of these works. If hadn't digitized the text, I wouldn't have been able to find and afford it at all.

    And the thing is, it's a great book, as good as I remember it being. So how did it become so scarce? What obstacles exist to such books being offered for sale, since it's so easy to scan books and turn them into ebooks (even with errors)?

    by Melenduwir

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