September 2024
    M T W T F S S

    Hi, I'm just asking this because I realized I can't name a single character described as fat who don't fit into any of the following stereotypical depictions I am going to link, compared to for any other demographic where I can at least think of some non-stereotypical major characters. So, is there any book you know of which has a fat major character who:

    1. Is determined and mentally strong; if the story involves them facing great dangers they are brave
    2. Can be kind/compassionate, but not in a way that they are depicted as the "soft" foil to a more "hard" friend or ally EDIT: I might be more ok with the foil thing if the fat character is the main character/more important than the one they are a foil to rather than them having equal billings or the positions being reversed
    3. Likewise they are allowed to like luxuries and fun things, but not so that they are portrayed as the hedonistic foil to a less hedonistic friend or ally EDIT: see above edit for clarification
    4. Their personality isn't super boisterous, loud and larger than life; doesn't need to be but a cooler and more calculated character would be great.
    5. Isn't depicted as the "uncool" one; for instance if they are a villain they are the type of villain that is somewhat admirable in their competence and charisma and not just a collection of unappealing vices designed to be hated, if they are smart it it portrayed as a "cool" quality and not a way they are a loser nerd, etc.
    6. They can be funny, but they aren't the only funny character/most funny character in the main cast
    7. If romance is a big feature in the story and happens to most of the major characters, they also have a romance
    8. They can be insecure about their weight, but the whole plot or their whole character arc isn't centered around their weight and there is something else going on
    9. The narrative can mention they are fat regularly in descriptions, but not in a way that comes off as obsessed with it or disgusted by it
    10. They are allowed to have embarrassing moments and moments where they fail or get proven wrong or are the butt of the joke, but it doesn't happen more often to them than to the rest of the main cast.
    11. If they don't start out as any of the above but develop into it over the book, the development is not symbolized by them losing weight.

    by HopefulOctober


    1. ForsaketheVoid on

      I’ve seen that a lot more in comics ngl. Visual mediums r better at showing that someone’s fat without obsessing over it. Have you seen Steven Universe or sakamoto days? 

    2. Bethany Rutter has written a handful of novels that are what you want! I’ve just read three but there think there’s four. No Big Deal, Melt my heart and Welcome to your life.

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