September 2024
    M T W T F S S

    I have been obsessed with the travel literature by Paul Theroux and also really like the books by Bill Bryson. However, I haven’t been able to find any author that I like as much.

    I mostly love the observational style of Theroux. How he mostly just describes his daily travel with humor and with sharp cultural observations.
    The books from Bill Bryson I mostly like for his humor and descriptions of just daily travel, similar to what I like in the books by Theroux.

    Any recommendations? Would love to hear what people recommend. Suggestions from Google searches have not provided great results 🙁

    by AnyProcedure709


    1. You could try the books of Eric Newby such as ‘A Short Walk in the Hindu Kush’. It is a bit old (written at the end of the ‘50ies) but fun in a very English way…

      Redmond O’Hanlon could interest you too : ‘In The Heart of Borneo’ is the autobiographical tale of an Oxford academic turning into a tropical explorer. His other books (Congo, In Trouble Again,…) are quite good too.

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