September 2024
    M T W T F S S

    I found the preface interesting to open up about Norton's trial and this book made me ask some really deep questions! I thought it was going to focus more on the "eternal life" discovery and I felt like it posed the question "Is it okay to exploit the resources of one culture for the benefit of society?" but then as I read on I really just started to dislike Norton. And I know our narrator was writing from the information Norton was providing but did anyone think Norton was just this narcissistic a**hole? He was into everything for his own gain, even adopting the children was supposed to be seen as heroic which we later learn is not and he's actually sexually assaulting these boys, which I had thought he was forsure planning on doing to Victor was a form of discipline that was used on the island. In any case I found it interesting how the Yanagihara would make me go back and forth on if he was guilty or not guilty.

    by Any_Presentation3298

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