September 2024
    M T W T F S S

    Hi! I’m looking for a very specific type of book. I want to read about women going to med school (or something similar, like them doing autopsies or something) back when it was not allowed for them to do so. I’m not picky about the specific genres, all I want is to read about women overcoming academic restrictions and going into the medical field. (Honestly, I’m also down to read about women overcoming academic restrictions in other fields, if you guys know any books about that). Idk if it’s historical fiction or a fantasy setting, I like both

    I read “Stalking Jack The Ripper” (that’s what sparked my interest in this theme), and “Anatomy”. I’ve also just started “The way of all flesh”.

    (Just in case anyone was wondering, I’m so interested in this topic because I’m studying for medical school entrance exams. I think it’s motivating to think about the women who came before me, who fought for their place so that I can now pursue my passion freely)

    by stardewstella

    1 Comment

    1. Embarrassed_Bit_7424 on

      The only book I know of is the children’s book by AS Byatt but that’s not really what the book is about. There are so many characters that the character that you want to read about is limited. Overall it is about women’s rights and is historical fiction taking place around the suffrage movement in the early 20th century. 

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