September 2024
    M T W T F S S

    I just finished Severance by Ling Ma, which I randomly picked out at the local anarchist bookstore. I liked it a lot and finished it in two days. Now I’m a quarter of the way through Leave the World Behind by Rumaan Alam and am LOVING it. I’m trying so hard to read slowly cause I want to savor it. I also bought Station Eleven and am planning on reading it after I finish LTWB.

    I liked the writing style of both so far but I’m absolutely loving reading Leave the World Behind, significantly more than I liked Severance. I’m not totally attached to the genre necessarily, but I do like the plot of both of these and I really like that the main character(s) include/center women. Haven’t read Station Eleven yet so I can’t comment on whether I like that too.

    by Opposite-Month7511


    1. Meecah-Squig on

      Termush by Sven Holm

      This is How You Lose the Time War

      Any Becky Chambers book (friendly sci-fi, Monk and Robot Series is great)

      The Vaster Wilds

      I Who Have Never Known Men

      Maybe try the Employees by Olga Ravn if you want a little weird.

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