September 2024
    M T W T F S S

    Hi! I’m looking for a book about babies’ neurological/intellectual/sensory/linguistic/kinesthetic development — specifically, one that communicates scientific findings to a general audience.

    I read How Babies Think by Alison Gopnik, Andrew Meltzoff, and Patricia Kuhl and got a lot out of it! The book was published 25 years ago, though. A book like that, but more up to date, would be great. Something similar but with a more specific focus (e.g., the acquisition of language, how toddlers gain theory of mind, human versus chimpanzee babies, causes and effects of infants’ microbiomes) would also be great.

    Some nonfiction authors I generally like are Steven Pinker, Stacy Schiff, and Matthieu Chapman.

    I am not interested in any parenting advice books – it’s fine if that is touched on, but I don’t want anything like Moms on Call or Happiest Baby on the Block (I’m two months postpartum and have had enough with those lol). I did enjoy The Discontented Little Baby by Pamela Douglas, though, if that helps anyone get a sense of my tastes.

    Thank you!

    by IvyEmmeline

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