September 2024
    M T W T F S S

    Looking for books in any genre that are a good representation of any type of childhood trauma.
    This can be anything from:
    incredibly triggering violence or abuse ( think Last House on Needless Street or Flowers in The Attic),
    memoirs (Educated, I'm Glad My Mom Died),
    Fiction where the main character has to work through the trauma (Girl In Pieces, The Goldfinch)
    Juvenile fiction/stereotypical child in attic or orphanage type stories (Matilda, The Willoughbys, Series of Unfortunate Events),
    Classics (Oliver Twist, Little Princess)

    by irnoyb

    1 Comment

    1. Jessica Willis Fisher’s book “Unspeakable” very well written. I read it in a weekend.

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