September 2024
    M T W T F S S

    I’m sorry if this is the wrong sub to ask this question, so please let me know if you know of a better place for me to ask.

    So I have a relatively large number of books, and the collection is only going to continue to grow. (For context, I’m about to start my PhD in literature, which means lots of books for classes, plus ones for my personal research, plus ones for my own enjoyment.) Only issue is, I have so many by now that I’m starting to forget which ones I have, because I’m also in the habit of buying books (used book stores are the BEST) that I think I may need in the future, so I don’t store their titles in the nifty little section of my brain primarily designated to remembering (and forgetting, tbh) books I’ve actually read before.

    As such, I’m looking for an app (although, if push comes to shove, I’d be willing to use a website) that will allow me to keep track of all the books I own (titles, authors, publisher/editions, years, etc., and preferably with the ability to add notes of some kind) and even a way to keep track of books I want to take a look at in the future. Part of my issue is the fact that the area I’m trying to specialize in is 19th century American and British literature, especially women authors, and some of the books are relatively obscure (not to mention sometimes purchased off Amazon in the form of a pdf turned paper copy), which can make it difficult to search for them on different platforms. Additionally, it’s not uncommon for me to own multiple editions of the same book, especially if I manage to get my hands on a critical edition (or a particularly pretty one lol).

    If anyone has any suggestions for me, they would be much appreciated!

    by Prickly_Cactus99

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