September 2024
    M T W T F S S

    I am pretty tapped out on my current library of casual studies in human behavior. What's something I should read for more about cults and/or reads that cover a particular cult's rise and fall?

    For context: It's fascinating to me from an anthropological angle. But also because I experienced something analogous to that, and gaining understanding helps in processing it.
    When I watch TV to unwind, it's usually some kind of true crime doc. Lately that's been concentrated in the area of cult-leaders who get caught/die, so taking that to the next level sounds fun (I have a dark sense of humor, but that's why I'm here)🤞🙏

    by ssuarez0

    1 Comment

    1. Hour_Sport4884 on

      The Changing World of Mormonism by Jerald and Sandra Tanner. Might not be interesting if you’re not already familiar with Mormonism, but if you are and can get your hands on a copy, it’s kind of crazy 1. How little modern Mormonism resembles/follows what its founders built/intended, and 2. That it’s definitely a cult.

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