September 2024
    M T W T F S S

    Hey all! I was hoping for some good recommendations for more high fantasy books with a subplot of romance.
    PLEASE don't come at me for this but I've tried reading a bunch of books recommended by people on booktok and honestly I think most of them are terrible. ACOTAR being one of them. It feels like the books are written for much younger readers, very basic and 1 dimensional. I'd love to read something written for adults with a good amount of depth to it. I didn't hate Forth wing, but again found the writing to be a bit eh.
    I love high fantasy and a solid magic system with amazing world building, but also a bit of romance thrown in there and maybe a few spicy chapters in there too haha

    But please let me know of any books that you personally have LOVED and would recommend! It doesn't have to be high fantasy, any kind of fantasy just not sci-fi, never been a fan.


    by Bellamay2

    1 Comment

    1. Fearless_Freya on

      War of lost hearts trilogy by Carissa broadbent. Fmc and mmc both grow in the relationship in power, trust and communication. Good world building and not just plot for the sake of sex/romance. Good ending. Neat exploring of world and diff cultures/ motivations

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