September 2024
    M T W T F S S

    Were there any books you've read that surprised you with how much you liked them? Whether it be because it's a genre you don't usually like or an author you don't tend to like or negative buzz surrounding it or whatever?

    My last one was probably Daisy Jones and The Six. Didn't seem like the kind of thing I'd like but I enjoyed it.

    by Weekly_Noodle


    1. PointedPeregrinator on

      this happens to me a lot with series. i was not a fan of the first books in the thursday murder club series as well as the slough house series but for whatever reason i read book 2 and ended up loving both.

      i also really loved a couple of taylor jenkins reid’s books that i never would’ve thought i’d like. no idea what possessed me to read them but i’m glad i did.

    2. EvilChocolateCookie on

      Probably the hunger games. I tried to read catching fire first because I didn’t realize it was part of a series and it totally made no sense, so I didn’t expect to care for them when I finally did jump back in. Now I’ve reread them a bazillion times and I’m anxiously awaiting the new book next year.

    3. Similar_Nectarine_23 on

       I didn’t have great expectations for The Lord of the Rings books. I thought they’d just be another run-of-the-mill fantasy series. They ended up being an incredible read, with deep characters, a vast setting, and a very enthralling story

    4. Amusingly, my most recent one is The Seven Husbands of Evelyn Hugo, another Taylor Jenkins Reid book.

      Less so, because I didn’t have much expectation one way or the other, but my partner really wanted me to read it was Into the Drowning Deep by Mira Grant. Not much of a slasher/horror reader but I loved this one!

    5. vinniethestripeycat on

      The House on the Cerulean Sea. Mainly because it was *so over recommended* to me that I didn’t think it would be that good. I was wrong.

    6. Fete_des_neiges on

      The Unbearable Lightness of Being.

      Thought it would be ok and it turned out to be phenomenal.

    7. The Martian by Andy Weir. I remember reading about it being science-y. While it was, it did not distract or confuse. I absolutely loved the book.

    8. Catsandscotch on

      Demon Copperhead. I don’t read books that I classify “family drama”. I just do not enjoy them. But people absolutely would not shut up about how good that book was. I finally put it on hold at the library and for six months kept pushing it off. Finally I told myself that I would read the first 25 pages and if I wasn’t hooked, I would walk away. That book was so freaking good!

    9. Notes from the Underground. Really superb psychological writing that made me think for days.

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