September 2024
    M T W T F S S

    Hey everyone!

    My SO (f24) has recently gotten into more smutty books. They have gotten to really enjoy the books of Sarah J. Maas, especially Court of Thorns and Roses.

    Which other books would you recommend in the similar category? They have some more spare time recently and I would like to get them some more books in the smutty fantasy setting.

    They have been rereading the same books a lot and it would be great to surprise them with some new suiting books.

    Any suggestion is welcome, thanks in advance!

    by Protocol_Blue


    1. The Lords Series should be good “The Ritual” cant rmemeber the authors name.

    2. I didn’t find Court of Thorns and Roses particularly smutty. I think Elizabeth Haydon’s Rhapsody series had more sex than that, but I found myself skipping the sex scenes when reading it because I found them a little cringey. It’s hard to find fantasy with well written sex scenes.

    3. No_Investigator9059 on

      Not smutty but the romance is top notch even though its not the main part, Folk of the Air series. Much better writing and world building than SJM (imo)

      Merry Gentry series is pretty spicy but world building is very fun.

      A Curse of Blood and Stone by K A Tucker is good as well, similar in spice to ACOTAR but again, I think better written.

      Fae Isles series is also good and I think she’ll like it, good world building, bit smutty, all round good time.

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