September 2024
    M T W T F S S

    A couple I keep revisiting are East of Eden by Steinbeck and Like Water for Chocolate by Laura Esquivel.

    I revisit East of Eden because it's a magnificent piece of writing that reminds me of traveling theough the Salinas Valley on my own as a young adult. Whenever I read it I always see it through fresh eyes, and I remember myself as all the younger versions of me reading the same book.

    Like Water for Chocolate reminds me of the magic of everyday life, and it especially helps make cooking turn from mundane chore to a spectacular expression of creativity and emotion.

    by Professional-Cut-820

    1 Comment

    1. PatchworkGirl82 on

      I just re-read my favorite summer pair, “Peyton Place” by Grace Metalious and “Valley of the Dolls” by Jaqueline Susann. Two very interesting character studies, but not heavy enough to bog me down during the summer heatwave

      I read “The Historian” by Elizabeth Kostova every year in October. It’s part Dracula story, part Cold War thriller, and just a great autumnal read.

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