September 2024
    M T W T F S S

    Hello everyone this is something I saw online today and thought I bring the convo here as well. Someone brought up a point that they have been DNFing more fantasy books this year than before. They also said that fantasy books aren't hitting like they used to in the late 90s/2000s. The comments are saying that fantasy novels today lack world-building, ticking trope boxes instead of being good stories and worlds in their own right, soft porn, Mary Sue's, or fantasy novels doesn't feel as special at all, etc.

    I understand people might come in with the whole "well depends on the book/author" which I get but I also agree with that person's take. There are some fantasy novels written in 2015+ that are just hard to push through sometimes or are just the same story over again but with different characters. I often find myself going back to fantasy books written in the early 2000s or before. They just felt homey to me. I'm not expecting Tolkien's level of world-building but I wish the worlds were fleshed out.

    by PeachySarah24

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