September 2024
    M T W T F S S

    I want to read more classics, fiction or non-fiction, but I struggle with reading anything that is old due to the difference in language use. For example, I recently read Treasure Island but because of the old timey use of English from more than 100 years ago I didn't know what was going on half the time. I recently read Eknath Easwaran's translation of the Dhammapada, and now I'm reading his Bhagavad Gita. Every chapter has a commentary and both books have long introductions because he goes out of his way to explain the concepts presented in these ancient foreign texts.

    I struggle to decide which version of a book to read because I don't know how approachable it will be. What are some well known versions of classic books that are known to have good commentaries as well? Presented in plain English for the lay reader, providing necessary context, etc.

    by usagibryan87

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