September 2024
    M T W T F S S

    Hi guys. I really need to read something similar to the three body problem. It made me feel so small, but in the best way possible. Like nothing I do compares to the greatness of this universe, and it’s beautiful. It was also just so amazingly creative and fun to read, filled my head with unique and interesting dreams every night.
    Any recommendations from other three body problem fans?

    by raw-egg


    1. MitchellSFold on

      Iain M. Banks – the Culture novels

      I think these will scratch a certain itch. Gigantic concepts, profound ideas, and very entertaining. Probably best read in order (so begin with *Consider Phlebas*).

    2. A reviewer I like wrote this in her review of Death’s End.

      > If Liu’s books remind me of any other writer it’s Olaf Stapledon, particularly Last and First Men. Both writers have the very unusual ability to make incredibly vast distances in space and time meaningful to the reader. The last novel I read that attempted this was Diaspora by Greg Egan, which didn’t really work for me.

      Diaspora definitely did work for me, though I haven’t read any of Liu’s work.

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