September 2024
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    I’m currently reading The Wars of the Roses: The Fall of the Plantagenets and the Rise of the Tudors, I’m watching House of the Dragon, I’m playing Manor Lords, and all of this just has me curious about conquests as a whole. I’m not sure how exactly to describe what I’m looking for, but I know it’s not about one person in particular (I’ll read about Napolean and Alexander the Great another time), I am more interested in the logistics of a conquest. When does a kingdom seek to become an empire? What are the inciting incidents, what are the determining factors, how does one start to expand, what is the strategy? I know it boils down to power, resources, sometimes religion, etc but I want to dive deeper into these ideas. I want to know how the borders of the world we know of today have come to be, and why. I’d like a book that points to different colonizations and conquests as examples and isn’t focused on one particular empire. I have no idea if a book like this exists, or if I’ve given justice to what I’m looking for, but open to any ideas. Thanks!

    by ghengischaan

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