September 2024
    M T W T F S S

    I just built a new shelf for my room, and even with all of my books on it (which I thought was a lot) it’s only halfway filled!! For once I actually want an insanely long TBR list so I can start adding to the empty space!

    I read mostly fantasy/fiction, but I would be willing to try historical fiction or science fiction as well. I don’t mind violence/swearing/sex/etc (can be more adult). I don’t mind YA if it’s well written with an interesting story. I love books that are plot driven, but character driven is okay if they’re really well done.

    Standalone or series is fine!

    For reference:
    Some books/series I LOVED:
    – Dragonlance
    – Empire of the vampire
    – Shades of Magic

    Some books I DNF’d/barely made it through:
    – book of the new sun
    – iconoclasts
    – American gods

    by _happy_ghost_

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