September 2024
    M T W T F S S

    I'm probably Autigendered and, under that, gay and trans (though if I'm trans, I may technically not be gay; I'm not sure how it works).

    I know Leslie Feinberg's a good writer.

    Anyone else I should be aware of? I'm just starting out, I feel, though I've never felt like a man since I was little.

    And I've always been queer, tbh, but I kinda swore off stuff like romance and all that.

    by Mysterious-Ring-2352

    1 Comment

    1. Who do you look at? That way… Men or women? Whichever gives you that, mmm, I fancy that person feeling…well there you go. Thats your sexuality. Gay or straight..

      As to feeling like a man (or woman), depends what you mean by that.

      Don’t fall into the trap of adhering to gender stereotypes. We can be men or women and have no interest in specific jobs, hobbies, clothes, whatever that are thought to be manly…or feminine.

      I think thats where a lot of the confusion comes from.

      Men who knit…women who like construction..oh dear, how not like their gender is “meant” to be. It’s nonsense…it’s just societies expectations. I thought we were all over that. My partner was a good knitter,(male)…I was not and had no interest in it(female)

      Didn’t make him feel less manly…lol.

      If however, from a young age you thought your body was/is wrong, I’d say it’s a good indication things went wrong and you may well be trans.

      Regardless of who with and how to have sex. It’s not just about that.
      Maybe find some non fiction books written by trans people?

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