September 2024
    M T W T F S S

    I am neck deep in the Pillars of the Earth series by Ken Follett. It’s not even my typical genre, I just sort of fell in! Two 47 hour books and two 24-30 hour books later, and I still can’t stop listening 😭

    I need a break, it’s so much, but I feel like I can’t stop listening to this series. Like it’s the only book I’m ever going to listen to because it goes on forever lol if there are any other long haul readers, I hope you understand and that I don’t sound crazy lol

    My favorite genres are historical fiction, Greek/roman myths/stories (especially through a feminist lens – I’ve read a lot by Madeline Miller, Natalie Haynes etc), science fiction and adult fantasy (not YA, think Broken Earth series by N.K. Jemison)

    I just tried to get into The Algebraist by Banks but it’s too dense for me right now and I don’t love the narration.


    by throwmeawayplz19373

    1 Comment

    1. tell-me-everything00 on

      Have you read *Clytemnestra* by Costanza Casati? I really enjoyed it, and I’m also a Madeline Miller fan.

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