September 2024
    M T W T F S S

    Hi y'all! So I'm looking for a specific type of book. My now Ex-BF and I were together for 1 1/2 years, my longest ever relationship. I'm 21F he's 30M.


    We split up on the 4th of July after a drunken argument turned into him aggressively assaulting me, strangling, and threatening my life. I've never seen domestic violence in real life, I've never been in an abusive relationship physical nor emotional. It was a one and done situation. I pressed charges, etc. I'm trying to heal from heartbreak, rage, and trauma. A lot of the books I've looked into are on constant abuse, sexual abuse, that kind of thing. I want something a little more on my level of abuse I guess is what I'm trying to say. I'm open to any/all suggestions regardless. Books on what to do after the abuse, things of that nature. I really need to try healing for the sake of my current mental state. I don't feel like the same person I was before. I need a book to read. Thanks!

    by Asleep-Ad5128

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