September 2024
    M T W T F S S

    Gillian Flynn’s writing never fails to keep me hooked. I was on the edge of my seat the entire time, theorizing, trying to figure it out before the book told me. I definitely thought it was Camille’s mom at first, and at one point I even thought John Keene’s girlfriend was the perpetrator lol.

    I’ll be honest though, I’m not sure I love the fact that it was Amma. They make it very clear that she acts incredibly mature for a 13 year old, BUT it’s hard to believe she was capable of all the fucked up shit she did. Even having that deep psychological understanding of how messed up her mom is, and using it to manipulate her back…. I just have a hard time believing a 13 year old could act / think like that. But nonetheless, I really enjoyed the book overall. I’m going to read dark objects by her next! What are your favs by her??

    by PongEyeYellow


    1. If you like sharp objects, you would also like dark places. IMO its writing style is different and hence doesn’t feel repetitive even after reading gone girl and sharp objects.

    2. No favorite, I love them all for different different reasons. Sharp Objects was adapted to tv miniseries a few years ago, and I really loved it…they did a really good job and the actors in it were awesome. I liked it more than the movie adaptations of the other two.

    3. Yeah, every novel and the novella are all great. She’s just a great writer.

    4. I immediately assumed it was going to be Amma. When it looked like it was her mom, I was like, oh! I am surprised. Nope. Lol. Enjoyable book though.

    5. Sharp objects was her first book. I recently reread it, followed by dark places and gone girl, and I feel that her writing significantly improved over the three books. Her female leads get progressively more nuanced and morally ambiguous.

      I love all three of her books though. Sharp objects used to be my favourite. I’d say now i slightly prefer dark places over the other two.


      The twists and turns in this one were so wild that somehow surpasses Gone Girl. The >!Munchausen by proxy!< reveal sent me through the roof and then finding >!the teeth in the dollhouse!< at the very end had me shook. The only truly shocking mystery I’ve read since is Night Film.

    7. CrispyCracklin on

      I’ve only read Sharp Objects and Gone Girl, but I much preferred Sharp Objects. I found the ending to GG a little too unbelievable, but SO seemed like a much more atmospheric, moody read, IMO.

    8. literallynothing99 on

      Dark Places is my favorite but Sharp Objects is really good, too. Gone Girl was the first book of hers that I read, and imo is by far the weakest.

    9. Sharp Objects is my favourite Flynn book. I love the story and the characters so much.

      The HBO adaptation was excellent too.

    10. soobinsmiddletoe on

      I remember absolutely loving Gillian Flynn’s dark places, sharp objects and gone girl. I barely remember the plot though. Has she released anything good since then?

    11. Blindedbythemoon on

      Not my favorite from her but definitely a favorite in general. I wish I could read those books again for the first time!

    12. To this day, that is one of the most intense books I’ve ever read. I’ve read so many books, and that one is still so fresh and I think about how wild the plot was often. Great read!

    13. GrangerWeasley713 on

      Sharp Objects is my favorite of her work. I wish she had a new novel coming soon

    14. boooooooooo_cowboys on

      >Even having that deep psychological understanding of how messed up her mom is, and using it to manipulate her back…. I just have a hard time believing a 13 year old could act / think like that. 

      Idk, in my experience 13 year old girls are at the pinnacle of human performance in psychological warfare and casual cruelty. I didn’t have any trouble believing it. 

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