September 2024
    M T W T F S S

    I'm really fucking new to the genre so, tbh, I need an entry level sci-fi fantasy that'll really get me into the genre whilst not being insanely heavy (I'm a student and my time and energy is limited rip) I tried Hyperion but found it to be really tiring to read, I am thinking of reading the book of the new sun series, I have also read Dune (hard work again and low-key put me off) Anything lighter would be brilliant, I am rather against YA too

    Thanks for any recommendations tho!!! Everything shall be considered

    by Dapper_Necessary5774


    1. Try the Cuhlture series by Iain M Banks.
      Start with the second book in the series, Player of Games, if you like that then start with Consider phlebas.

      Iain M Banks is really easy to read, the books do have humour and horror elements as well as sci-fi

    2. I read the following three for a sci-fi literature class that I took at university, so they might be a good introduction to the genre (I myself was not a fan prior to the course):

      *Frankenstein* by Mary Shelley

      *Ready Player One* by Ernest Cline

      *Story of Your Life* by Ted Chiang

      Some additional recommendations:

      *Never Let Me Go* by Kazuo Ishiguro

      *The Sparrow* by Mary Doria Russell (I did find this a little dense and heavy but still fascinating)

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