September 2024
    M T W T F S S

    I'm looking for very hard scifi and stories with a thriller or horror twist.

    I like stories that weave complicated but internally consistent science/fiction to uncover; doing good science and people being smart in the face of the unknown is my jam.

    I loved the scenes in Blindsight by Peter Watts where they were first onboard the Rorschach; I'm halfway through and that actually sparked this request. I also like books that make me work hard intellectually, either drawing on head knowledge of science/tech (I love Accelerando by Charles Stross for this) or biology (I'm in the medical field), or asking you to think a lot (Primer, Upstream Color, and Dark are some of my favorite movies/tv show). I've enjoyed There Is No Antimentics Division, Fine Structure, and qntm's corpus of short stories. I've liked (Tender is the Flesh) or been reluctantly transfixed (Cows) by the horror I've read; I'd particularly be interested if there is hard sci fi horror.

    Some Other Things I've Read for Context

    Schild's Ladder is one of my favorite hard sci fi books. Three Body Problem was a fascinating premise but I think the semantics of the translation didn't quite do it for me and there were a lot of glossed-over bits where I really wanted the story to dig in and explain. This is How You Lose the Time War was much more poetic than hard but I adored it and cried a lot (excellent). I've read everything by Neal Stephenson many times. Enjoyed the Laundry Files by Charles Stross. Wayfarers and Monk/Robot by Becky Chambers were cute and light. Altered Carbon rocked. Andy Weir's works were light but up my alley. Prey by Michael Crichton was formative.

    Anyone have any recs? Thanks!!

    by CharlesStross


    1. molten_dragon on

      I think you’d like Alastair Reynolds’s work, particularly the *Revelation Space* trilogy and other works set in the same universe. They’re hard sci-fi and definitely have various creepy twists.

    2. Rude_Mulberry_1155 on

      I’ve enjoyed the first two books in Megan O’Keefe’s Devoured Worlds trilogy – might be up your alley! They’re combination of interplanetary science and mystery (with some space politics, mining rights, family drama, and romance mixed in).

    3. Recursion by Blake Crouch. Bit of a twist on time travel, lots of existential horror as the methods reveal itself. Bit of a mind bender.

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