September 2024
    M T W T F S S

    Hello all, I’m looking for something a bit more specific. I love the classic troop of farmer turned hero. Think Eragorn, Frodo, etc. I’m wanting something less political, and more high fantasy. Dwarves, elves, dragons.

    Some less grim dark I’ve read that fits this bill.
    – all of Sandersons work
    – Bound and broken
    – wheel of time
    – eragorn series

    Ive read Lord of the rings, GoT and the First Law series.

    Just looking for grim dark high fantasy, if such a thing exists.

    by xevi

    1 Comment

    1. Sounds like you need to read some R Scott Bakker. He’s got two series, The Prince of Nothing and it’s sequel series, The Aspect-Emperor. It’s sort of like if Cormac McCarthy wrote a hybrid of Lord of the Rings and the Bible.

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