September 2024
    M T W T F S S

    Growing up on a farm in an economically depressed area, I found my exposure to diverse stories and perspectives lacking.

    I've tried different approaches to expand my reading. For example, during grad school, I spent a year avoiding any non-school book written by a straight white man. I’ve also taken a Middle Eastern literature class and would pick up books during my earlier travels.

    As it turns out, I've fallen in love with these different types of stories, analyses, and perspectives. This journey has helped me recognize that the world and its people are more complicated than we often give them credit for and build compassion for people not like me.

    It also made me realize how superficial most of my history classes were when covering anything outside the U.S. that isn't part of popular mythology used in modern media. A benign example, was when I visited an Egypt exhibit at our local museum and was shocked at the timeline of how long, expansive, and diverse their reign was.

    Anyhow, I’ve started digging into history from a more nuanced perspective, and I'm looking for recommendations on diverse historical fiction from various locations, time periods, and perspectives to supplement the drier history books.

    I would love your suggestions!

    by Remote-Quarter3710

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