September 2024
    M T W T F S S

    Hi! I'm a big fan of books about consciousness, neurobiology, cognition, identity, etc.

    Most of the books I've read that deal with these themes have been sci-fi (Blindsight by Peter Watts would be my favourite, highly recommend), but I've read too much sci-fi recently, so I'm looking for literary fiction works. Short stories or novels.

    I'm currently reading The Echo Maker by Richard Powers and this is a great example of what I'm looking for. It's very well written and there's a lot more going on than brain stuff (it doesn't have to be the only theme), but the main story is about how a brain injury affected one of the character's perception of reality.

    It doesn't necessarily have to be "scientific" or anything. I'm just fascinated by the whole brain thing, and how it's an organ.

    by twentyParenti

    1 Comment

    1. PsychopompousEnigma on

      Flowers for Algernorn by Daniel Keyes. Classic about a man with an intellectual disability who undergoes an experimental surgery to increase his intelligence.

      Motherless Brooklyn by Jonathan Lethem. About a detective with Tourette’s syndrome.

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