September 2024
    M T W T F S S

    I have my own way of deciding, but I was curious how you all decide what to pull next from your TBR. Obviously they are always growing, so choosing can be tough sometimes. Do you tend to read through a whole series after starting, or do you jump around?

    For me, when I start my next book, I have an app with a list of my remaining books. I spin the wheel and let fate decide what is next (sometimes weighting a series a bit to favor continuing them).

    by gamepro250


    1. I scroll through my list of want to read and whatever at that moment sticks out to me most is what I’m reading next

    2. Reasons:
      1) I’m in a book club and I need to read it before the meeting
      2) it’s the next book in the series and I want to know what happens next 
      3) I want to see what else the author has written
      4) I heard about the book recently and don’t want to wait
      5) I heard about the book a long time ago and I’m tired of waiting

      There is no strict logic, whatever one of these calls the hardest mostly.

    3. GraceWisdomVictory on

      I’m not a mood reader, which leads to a chaotic method. 

      Whatever is available on Libby when I wrap up my last read and tickles my fancy or if I’m leaving the house whatever unread book is closest to me when I decide to bring a book. 

    4. Sometimes it’s the due date.

      Other times, it’s whatever strikes my fancy at the moment.

    5. HowWoolattheMoon on

      Usually it becomes available on Libby! But sometimes I am not in the mood so I’ll delay it. This often happens with non-fiction books on a heavy topic. I need to intersperse them with light fun fiction sometimes.

      I do add books to my TBR regularly, but then I pretty much never look at the list 🤷🏼‍♀️

    6. H2Oloo-Sunset on

      I almost always alternate genres. If I read a light contemporary novel, my next book is likely to be non fiction.

      I also tend to use relatively short (~200 pages) mysteries that I can put away in a day or two as a palate cleanser between longer, more dense books.

    7. I pull a book off my TBR shelf, and think about whether I want to read it next. Then I put it back, and pull out another book. Eventually, I don’t put one back, and that’s the one I read next.

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