September 2024
    M T W T F S S

    I did have a quick search of this sub to see if this question has been answered as I know Murakami is a popular guy but I didn’t find anything along the lines of what I’m asking for here.

    I adore the books of Haruki Murakami, but my only problem is that I’ve now read them all. Now I know he has done the odd book that removes the magical realism elements such as Norwegian Wood; Colorless etc. but I’ve of course read them and I’m looking for a different author now.

    So key points would be the Japanese setting, of course, but I also just love the vibe of Murakami’s works. The late night conversations in bars and diners, the philosophical journeys of his characters.

    So what books are out there that share a lot of what makes Murakami’s books great but with out the fantasy/magic elements?

    TL:DR – Books similar to Haruki Murakami but without the fantastical elements.

    by windupmidori

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