September 2024
    M T W T F S S

    I recall reading a book titled 友罪 (ユウザイ) by Yaku Gakumaru, which is actually pun for 有罪 (ゆうざい) "Guilty" when you pronounce it, but it's comprised of 2 kanji present within the title: 友 for "Friend" & 罪 meaning either "Sin" or "Crime" depending on the context associated. (There's a movie adaptation.)

    So it works in this case as the book depicts the main protagonist (who is a journalist) thinks that his new co-worker is a killer, due to a series of juvenile murders that have been occurring with all the evidence pointing fingers back at him, hence why our protagonist is getting suspicious about his friend.

    by No_Pomegranate7134

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