September 2024
    M T W T F S S

    Hi, I am trying to get into reading! I have only read ( and enjoyed ) a couple books in my life. I read In a Perfect World by Trish Doller and SUPER loved that. It was like a YA romance/ lead female having to move to a new country and she fell in love. I also have read The Doll in the Garden by Mary Downning Hahn and enjoyed it. I recently read the Matthew Perry biography and loved it, but I was also a huge Chandler fan, so maybe that was just an interest of mine haha. I would be interested in a biography if someone knew of a really good one, that didnโ€™t require too much previous knowledge of the person before hand.
    I guess I would say I am looking for maybe some romance or thriller books. Or I am also interested in self-help like books ( how toโ€™s kinda if you know what i mean? ) I like books that are easy to read, as I am just getting into reading. Any suggestions at all would be nice, I am really open to any genre. Anything that you would recommend to a friend, I would love to hear. I just bought two horror books from a little market where the author was selling them, hopefully i can get into those!

    by blondechick69

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