September 2024
    M T W T F S S

    I’m ISO of a book that has a soothing tone in the realm of dealing with grief and regret.

    My grandmother died in my late 20s and 6 years on, I’m still struggling. She was in many ways like a mother to me, my own mother being abusive. My father is also passed.

    In the year before she died, I wasn’t as warm with her as I wish I had been, she was old of course but she got sick and died without much warning. I was a bit cold because I was still processing my childhood, and mother’s abuse and had a hard time accepting how close she and my mother became again, all considered.

    I have no family now, it’s just me and I miss her so much.

    I write to her, and that feels better sometimes. But either a self help books or novel about love and grief, especially between women would be lovely.

    by Party-Broccoli-6690

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