September 2024
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    I'm trying to find more books that my 11 year old son will enjoy, but he is very different from my daughter and myself, and I am struggling with it.

    Things he has liked:

    What if, What If 2, and How To (Randall Munroe)

    How to Invent Everything

    The Field Guide to North American Insects

    Micro Life

    All the various DK science books

    Dad got him a college textbook on microbes because he wanted it. So far, he just looks at the pictures, but he pulls it out a lot.

    Things he doesn't like:

    Harry Potter (he did eventually finish this because his sister nagged him… But he found it boring)

    Everything they read in school

    Dog Man books

    Diary of a Wimpy Kid

    He was slightly interested in George's Secret Key to he Universe by Stephen Hawking, but got bored about 2/3 of the way through.

    He says he finds reading boring, and I think it's because most of the books that he has to read aren't interesting to him. I'm wanting to find some more books that will entertain him.

    His absolute favorites are the Randall Munroe books. Is there anything else out there that we don't have yet? I did just get Humble Pi, and think he might like that one, too.

    by maquis_00

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